
Workshops zijn een fijne manier om in groepsverband meer vaardigheden en ervaring op te doen rond een breed scala aan onderwerpen. Voelen en vragen wat je wilt, nieuwe dingen uitproberen, of experimenteren met ‘nee’ zeggen, om er maar een paar te noemen. Zie hieronder voor aankomende evenementen.

14 februari: Introductieavond Wheel of Consent (NL)


Nieuwsgierig naar de Wheel of Consent? Kom een avond kennismaken!

Consent gaat over zoveel meer dan alleen “ja” of “nee” zeggen. Want hoe weet je eigenlijk wat je wel en niet wilt? Hoe voelt dat in je lichaam? En hoe communiceer je daarover?

Tijdens deze workshop leer je de communicatiestijl van je lichaam beter kennen, zodat je bewustere keuzes kunt maken over wat je wel en niet wilt doen. We nemen de tijd om te vertragen, ruimte te maken om te voelen en bouwen zo aan een authentiekere verbinding met onszelf en met de ander.

We gebruiken tijdens deze workshop het Wheel of Consent van Betty Martin als leidraad. We zullen niet heel diep ingaan op de theorie, maar vooral focussen op het ervaren van de verschillende dynamieken: aanraken voor jezelf, aanraken voor de ander, aangeraakt worden voor jezelf en aangeraakt worden voor de ander.

❧ Praktisch
📅 Wanneer? 14 februari, 19.30 – 22.00
🗺️ Waar? Amsterdam Noord
💵 Prijs: €35
❤️ Groepsgrootte: 6-16 deelnemers
💋 Taal: Nederlands


15 februari: Lekker veel voelen - Wheel of Consent Workshop (NL)


Consent gaat over zoveel meer dan alleen “ja” of “nee” zeggen. Want hoe weet je eigenlijk wat je wel en niet wilt? Hoe voelt dat in je lichaam? En hoe communiceer je daarover?

Tijdens deze workshop leer je de communicatiestijl van je lichaam beter kennen, zodat je bewustere keuzes kunt maken over wat je wel en niet wilt doen. We nemen de tijd om te vertragen, ruimte te maken om te voelen en bouwen zo aan een authentiekere verbinding met onszelf en met de ander.

We gebruiken tijdens deze workshop het Wheel of Consent van Betty Martin als leidraad. Er is ruimte voor zowel theorie als praktijk. Dus zowel het ervaren van verschillende dynamieken als die een plekje geven op de Wheel.

❧ Praktisch
📅 Wanneer? 15 februari, 10:00 – 17.00
🗺️ Waar? Amsterdam Noord
💵 Prijs: €125
❤️ Groepsgrootte: 6-16 deelnemers
💋 Taal: Nederlands


❧ FAQ’s
❤️ Kom ik alleen of neem ik iemand mee?
Je bent van harte welkom om alleen of met een partner te komen. Als je als individu meedoet, ligt je focus meer op je persoonlijke groei. Als je met een partner(s) meedoet, ligt de focus (waarschijnlijk) meer op de relatiedynamiek. Als je iemand meeneemt, zijn jullie van harte welkom om de hele tijd samen te werken, of het af te wisselen.

🧡 Wat als ik een oefening niet wil doen?
Ik ben heel expliciet in het aanbieden van verschillende manieren waarop je aan elke oefening kunt deelnemen. Daar hoort altijd de optie bij om aan de kant te zitten, wat voor jezelf op te schrijven, of even uit te rusten. Jij beslist wat goed voelt voor jou en ik maak ruimte voor jou om die beslissing te nemen.

💛 Is het een erg intense dag?
Nieuwe dingen doen is altijd intens. Ik heb gemerkt dat vertragen een belangrijk ingrediënt is om te kunnen voelen en vragen om wat je wilt. Dus hoewel de oefeningen emoties kunnen oproepen, zorg ik ervoor dat we rustig aan doen en kleine stapjes zetten. Er is ongeveer elke anderhalf uur een pauze. Er is ook een non-engagement zone, waar je even alleen kunt zijn.

💚 Hoe toegankelijk is de ruimte?
Er zijn geen drempels of trappen om het gebouw of de zaal binnen te komen. Hoewel het toilet ruim en traploos is, zijn er geen muurgrepen en dergelijke.
Wij zorgen voor kussens, matten en stoelen om op te zitten.
Neem contact op als je meer informatie nodig hebt of vragen hebt.

💙 Ik kan me geen kaartje veroorloven, kan ik korting krijgen?
Er zijn kaartjes met korting beschikbaar voor mensen met een laag inkomen. Je kunt die optie gewoon kiezen bij het kopen van je ticket. Je hoeft niets uit te leggen of te bewijzen.
Kunt je het zich nog steeds niet veroorloven om te komen? Neem contact op om de opties te bespreken.


16 februari: Getting better: (Re)building intimacy with a partner (EN)


This Valentine’s weekend, join Sinsia for a transformative workshop designed to gently nurture and deepen the intimacy you share with your partner. Rooted in the empowering framework of the Wheel of Consent, this experience invites you to slow down, reconnect, and rediscover the rhythms of giving and receiving with intention.

Through guided exercises and open-hearted exploration, Sinsia creates a safe and inclusive space to cultivate trust, curiosity, and playfulness—whether you’re rekindling a long-standing connection or navigating new beginnings.

Leave with tools to foster greater presence and alignment in your relationship, and a deeper appreciation for the nuanced ways intimacy can be built and rebuilt.

❧ Practicalities
📅 When? February 16, 10:00 – 17.00
🗺️ Where? Amsterdam North
💵 Price: €225 per couple, €100 for and additional partner
❤️ Group size: 6-16 participants
💋 Language: English


❧ FAQ’s
🧡 What if I don’t want to do an exercise?
I am very explicit in offering different ways in which you can join in each exercise. Those options always include sitting to the side and witnessing, journaling or having a rest. You decide what feels good to you in each moment, and we make space for you to make that decision.

💛 Is this going to be very intense?
Doing new things is always intense. We have found that slowing down is a key ingredient in being able to feel and ask for what we want. So while the exercises might bring up emotions or breakthroughs, we make sure we go slow and take small steps. There will be breaks roughly every 90 minutes. There will also be a non-engagement zone, where yo can go and sit if you want to be left alone for a bit.

💚 How accessible is the space?
There are no thresholds or steps to get into the building or the room. While the toilet is spacious and stepless, there are no wall grips and such.
We will provide cushions, mats and chairs for sitting.
Please get in touch if you need more information or have concerns.

💙 I can’t afford it. Are there discounts available?
There are discounted places available for those on low income. You can just choose that option when buying your ticket. We don’t need you to explain or proof anything.
Still can’t afford to come? Get in touch to talk options.



December 14+15.: Kink and Consent Combo Weekend


The Kink & Consent combo weekend consists of *2* workshops – one Saturday and one Sunday. You can join one day, or both!

Saturday join us at “Embodied Consent for Queers” – using the Wheel of Consent as a framework to upskill your consent negotiations; your ability to feel your desires, limits and boundaries in your body; and step out of your people pleasing habits.

Sunday join us at “Kink for Beginners”. You’ll get to explore taking power and surrendering in an approachable, playful, and deliciously s*xy way.

View the full workshop descriptions for Saturday and Sunday below.

❧ This weekend is not residential. If you’re not from Amsterdam, there are numerous hotels and hostels in the area around the venue.
❧ Where: Amsterdam North (address on registration)
❧ Time: 10:30-18:30 both days



When’s the last time you felt a F*ck Yes to something? How did it feel in your body? Often we settle for less than a Full Yes – especially in s*x – going along with something we don’t love, in order to stay safe. But what if you could feel safe and still get the thing you really want? The best way to get what you want? You have to ask!

In this workshop we, Jason and Sinsia, will offer exercises that explore exactly these themes. As our work is grounded in the Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin, the day will be highly experiential, gently paced and designed to help you make choices that work best for you.

There are many things that can get in the way of asking for what we want: maybe you don’t really know what it is you want. Maybe you do notice desires and limits as they come up, but you feel like they don’t matter that much. Maybe instead of asking for what you really want, you ask for what you think you should want. Or what you think you can get.

Many of us have been taught to prioritise other peoples’ wants and needs over our own. As recovering people pleasers we can lose touch with what brings us satisfaction, leading to frustration, resentment and discontent. This might show up in our intimate lives, work, family, and other relationships.

How do you reconnect with your felt sense of what you want – coming not from your mind (and all its tricks), but from the deep wisdom of your body?

In this workshop we’ll help you get a felt sense of your Yes, your No, and your Maybe. How does it feel inside you when something is a Yes or a No? What comes up when you try to communicate that to another? How does it feel to receive a Yes or a No, and what meaning do you make of it?

This workshop will help you say No to things you don’t want, so that you can say a FULL YES to the things you do really want – that will bring you pleasure, joy, connection, and satisfaction.

❧ This event is for you if…

❤️ You want to connect with an embodied sense of your desires and limits
❤️ You want to have more fulfilling intimate encounters, grounded in embodied consent
🧡 You want to develop better communication skills around your desires and limits, in your intimate life and in other areas of your life

❧ What Will We Explore in this Workshop?

💛 Connecting with your inner, embodied sense of what you want and don’t want – how it feels to be a Yes, No, or Maybe
💚 Different ways of expressing your desires, limits, and boundaries
🩵 Ways to give and receive Yes’es and No’s
💙 Feeling your authentic desire – what do you really want, and where does your mind pull you out of your embodied desire?
💜 How it feels to get exactly the thing you want. How does your body respond when you can explore touch in a way that is safe and grounded in consent?
🖤 This workshop is not about attraction; it is about noticing desires and limits as they come up in the moment. In certain exercises you might ask for touch, and maybe even get it 🙂
🖤 While exploring all this we will keep our clothes on

❧ What are the benefits of building Embodied Consent skills?

🤍 Moving away from black and white yes/no thinking, to finding ease in navigating desires from moment-to-moment
🤍 More pleasure and erotic satisfaction by being able to ask for the things you really want
❤️ Feeling more agency in your s*xual interactions. Rather than simply going along with something you don’t love, being able to negotiate desires back to a Win-Win for both (or all) partners
🧡 More confidence in your erotic and other relationships
💛 Greater sense of ease when connecting with new and old partners
💚 Deeper trust in oneself

❧ Who is this for?

💙 This workshop is particularly welcoming toward queer / LGBTQIA+ folks who fall anywhere under the umbrella of queerness. We welcome all genders, ages, bodies, and orientations. Both teachers identify as queer, and have extensive experience in working with queer people.
💙 Recovering people pleasers: do you feel stuck in having to say Yes to people? Or in going along with things that are not quite as you’d like them?
💜 All levels of experience: we invite anyone to come with a beginner’s mind: what can you learn about yourself and your patterns?



Curious to try bringing kink into your erotic play? In this workshop, you’ll get to explore taking power and surrendering in an approachable, playful, and deliciously s*xy way.

Kink can be a powerful gateway to pleasure, surrender, deep intimacy, and healing. But many of our mainstream depictions of kink fail to capture the essence of what makes kink so powerful – that the more safety and trust we create with our partners, the further we can explore to the edges of our desires.

While the world of kink is vast, this will be an opportunity for you to explore several popular themes within the kink umbrella. You’ll practice crafting and playing out kink scenes, exploring themes such as:

❧ Sensation play (exploring new/different sensations on the body)
❧ Power dynamics/power exchange (also known as Dominance and Submission)
❧ Ropes and light bondage
❧ Impact play (such as light spanking or using impact tools)

It will be a gentle yet s*xy introduction to kinky ways to play, so you can discover what turns you on and what you want to explore further. We’ll bring all the kinky toys and tools you need to craft delicious kink scenes, while supporting you to build a container of safety so that you can fully enjoy your experience.

You’ll practice communicating your desires, limits and boundaries with others, noticing what arises in you when you give and receive Yes’s and No’s. You’ll be supported to break free of unconscious patterns of people pleasing or subtly overstepping your and/or other’s boundaries.

With the skills and experiences you gain in this workshop, you’ll have a solid foundation to dive deeper into kinky scenes with new or established partners, knowing you can confidently navigate your own desires, limits, and boundaries, and opening up to new worlds of pleasure and possibility.

⫸ This event is for you if…

❧ You’re new to kink and want to begin exploring with safety and a deep respect for your limits
❧ You’re curious about new aspects of the kink and BDSM umbrellas and want a space to try many different ways of playing
❧ You want to spice up your erotic life by bringing in new energies and practices such as playing with power or new sensations
❧ You want to become more skillful at having difficult conversations around desires, limits and boundaries
❧ You want to embark on your kink journey rooted in a sense of safety and consent, and being able to discuss your curiosities, desires, boundaries and limits
❧ You want to move beyond your mind’s ideas of what you should/shouldn’t want, and start feeling in an embodied way your desires and limits

⫸ What Will We Explore in this Workshop?

❧ Connecting with your inner, embodied sense of what you want and don’t want in a kink scene – how it feels to be a Yes, No, or Maybe
❧ Different ways of expressing your desires, limits, and boundaries
❧ Ways to give and receive Yes’es and No’s
❧ Feeling your authentic desire – what do you really want, and where does your mind pull you out of your embodied desire?
❧ You will get to design and play out mini-scenes based on kinky themes such as sensation play, power dynamics/power exchange, ropes and light bondage, and impact play

Our exercises are containers for you to explore kinky themes based on your authentic desires. We’ll set the parameters and you get to design a scene with your partner based on those themes.

There may be practices where you may choose to take off clothes. Nudity is never required.There may be practices where you get to touch and be touched by your exercise partner(s). All touch in this workshop is optional, and grounded in all participant’s consent.

⫸ What are the benefits of building Embodied Kinky Consent skills?

❧ Deeper trust in oneself and in one’s partner(s)
❧ More pleasure and erotic satisfaction by being able to ask for the things you really want
❧ Feeling more agency in your kinky and s*xual interactions. Rather than simply going along with something you don’t love, being able to negotiate desires back to a Win-Win for both (or all) partners
❧ More confidence in your erotic and other relationships
❧ Greater sense of ease when connecting with new and old partners

⫸ Who is this for?

❧ This workshop is particularly welcoming toward queer / LGBTQIA+ folks who fall anywhere under the umbrella of queerness. We welcome all genders, ages, bodies, and orientations. Both teachers identify as queer, and have extensive experience in working with queer people.
❧ All levels of kink experience: we invite anyone to come with a beginner’s mind: what can you learn about yourself and where can you become more skillful?
❧ You can come to the workshop with your play partner(s) or as an individual


⫸ What Previous Participants Are Saying:

❧ “Sinsia and Jason provide simple yet really effective exercises which help me navigate my own boundaries. It is so helpful to reflect on what I want and what I am willing to and how that feels in my body. Sinsia and Jason are very supportive and they create a space where I could safely explore together with others.”
❧ “Jason and Sinsia work really well together! They created a safe space quite quickly, and I felt there was space for a lot of different things and experiences to happen. We got to practice feeling our desires and our limits – for example by choosing to participate in practices or not. But they also encouraged us to try out something new or exciting.”

Geweest: Nov 2+3: Queer Desires: Asking for What You *Really* Want


When’s the last time you felt a F*ck Yes to something? How did it feel in your body? Often we settle for less than a Full Yes – especially in s*x – going along with something we don’t love, in order to stay safe. But what if you could feel safe and still get the thing you really want? The best way to get what you want? You have to ask!

In this workshop we, Jason and Sinsia, will offer exercises that explore exactly these themes. As our work is grounded in the Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin, the day will be highly experiential, gently paced and designed to help you make choices that work best for you.

There are many things that can get in the way of asking for what we want: maybe you don’t really know what it is you want. Maybe you do notice desires and limits as they come up, but you feel like they don’t matter that much. Maybe instead of asking for what you really want, you ask for what you think you should want. Or what you think you can get.

Many of us have been taught to prioritise other peoples’ wants and needs over our own. As recovering people pleasers we can lose touch with what brings us satisfaction, leading to frustration, resentment and discontent. This might show up in our intimate lives, work, family, and other relationships.

How do you reconnect with your felt sense of what you want – coming not from your mind (and all its tricks), but from the deep wisdom of your body?

In this workshop we’ll help you get a felt sense of your Yes, your No, and your Maybe. How does it feel inside you when something is a Yes or a No? What comes up when you try to communicate that to another? How does it feel to receive a Yes or a No, and what meaning do you make of it?

This workshop will help you say No to things you don’t want, so that you can say a FULL YES to the things you do really want – that will bring you pleasure, joy, connection, and satisfaction.


❧ This event is for you if…

🩷 You want to connect with an embodied sense of your desires and limits
❤️ You want to have more fulfilling intimate encounters, grounded in embodied consent
🧡 You want to develop better communication skills around your desires and limits, in your intimate life and in other areas of your life

❧ What Will We Explore in this Workshop?

💛 Connecting with your inner, embodied sense of what you want and don’t want – how it feels to be a Yes, No, or Maybe
💚 Different ways of expressing your desires, limits, and boundaries
🩵 Ways to give and receive Yes’es and No’s
💙 Feeling your authentic desire – what do you really want, and where does your mind pull you out of your embodied desire?
💜 How it feels to get exactly the thing you want. How does your body respond when you can explore touch in a way that is safe and grounded in consent?
🖤 This workshop is not about attraction; it is about noticing desires and limits as they come up in the moment. In certain exercises you might ask for touch, and maybe even get it 🙂
🩶 While exploring all this we will keep our clothes on

❧ What are the benefits of building Embodied Consent skills?

🤍 Moving away from black and white yes/no thinking, to finding ease in navigating desires from moment-to-moment
🩷 More pleasure and erotic satisfaction by being able to ask for the things you really want
❤️ Feeling more agency in your s*xual interactions. Rather than simply going along with something you don’t love, being able to negotiate desires back to a Win-Win for both (or all) partners
🧡 More confidence in your erotic and other relationships
💛 Greater sense of ease when connecting with new and old partners
💚 Deeper trust in oneself

❧ Who is this for?

🩵 This workshop is particularly welcoming toward queer / LGBTQIA+ folks who fall anywhere under the umbrella of queerness. We welcome all genders, ages, bodies, and orientations. Both teachers identify as queer, and have extensive experience in working with queer people.
💙 Recovering people pleasers: do you feel stuck in having to say Yes to people? Or in going along with things that are not quite as you’d like them?
💜 All levels of experience: we invite anyone to come with a beginner’s mind: what can you learn about yourself and your patterns?

❧ Practicalities

📅 When: November 2-3, 10.00- 17:00
🗺️ Where: Amsterdam West (address on registration)


Geweest: 1 november: Vragen om wat je wilt - Consent met Sinsia bij de Queer Gym Rotterdam

Avondworkshop 🙂


Geweest: 31 oktober.: 'Beginnen met Kink' bij Freedive Utrecht

This is an evening workshop in collaboration with Freedive Utrecht.

Tickets & info

Geweest: 8 september - Queer Desires: Asking for what you *really* want (hele dag)

Consent gaat over zoveel meer dan alleen “ja” en “nee” zeggen. Want hoe weet je überhaupt wat je wel en niet wilt? Hoe voelt dat in je lichaam? En hoe communiceer je daarover?
Tijdens deze workshop leer je de communicatiestijl van je lichaam kennen, zodat je bewuster keuzes kunt maken over wat je wel en niet wilt doen.
Omdat mijn werk is geworteld in het Wheel of Consent van Betty Martin, zal de dag ervaringsgericht en rustig van tempo zijn. De workshop is ontworpen om je te helpen keuzes te maken die het beste voor je werken.
We zullen vertragen, tijd en ruimte nemen om te voelen en zo een authentiekere verbinding met onszelf en de ander opbouwen.
Deze workshop zal je helpen om NEE te zeggen tegen dingen die je niet wilt, zodat je VOLLEDIG JA kunt zeggen tegen de dingen die je echt wilt – die je plezier, vreugde, verbinding en voldoening zullen brengen.
❧ Dit evenement is voor jou als…
❤️Je verbinding wilt maken met een belichaamd gevoel van je verlangens en grenzen
🧡 Je meer vervullende intieme ontmoetingen wilt hebben, gegrond in belichaamde toestemming
💛 Je betere communicatievaardigheden wilt ontwikkelen rond je verlangens en grenzen, in je intieme leven en op andere gebieden van je leven
❧ Wat gaan we onderzoeken in deze workshop?
💛Verbinding maken met je innerlijke, belichaamde gevoel van wat je wilt en niet wilt – hoe het voelt om een ​​Ja, Nee of Misschien te zijn
💚 Verschillende manieren om je verlangens, grenzen en begrenzingen uit te drukken
💚 Manieren om Ja’s en Nee’s te geven en te ontvangen
💙Je authentieke verlangen voelen – wat wil je echt en waar haalt je geest je uit je belichaamde verlangen?
💙Hoe het voelt om precies datgene te krijgen wat je wilt. Hoe reageert je lichaam wanneer je aanraking kunt verkennen op een manier die veilig is en gegrond in toestemming?
💜Deze workshop gaat niet over aantrekkingskracht; het gaat over het opmerken van verlangens en grenzen als ze opkomen in het moment. In bepaalde oefeningen kun je om aanraking vragen, en wie weet krijg je die ook 🙂
💜 Terwijl we dit allemaal onderzoeken, houden we onze kleren aan
❧ Wat zijn de voordelen van het opbouwen van Embodied Consent-vaardigheden?
❤️ Weg van zwart-wit ja/nee-denken, naar het vinden van gemak in het navigeren van verlangens van moment tot moment
🧡 Meer plezier en erotische bevrediging door te kunnen vragen om de dingen die je echt wilt
💛 Meer zeggenschap voelen in je seksuele interacties. In plaats van gewoon mee te gaan met iets waar je niet van houdt, verlangens kunnen onderhandelen om een ​​win-winsituatie te creëren voor beide (of alle) partners
💚 Meer vertrouwen in je erotische en andere relaties
💙 Meer gemak bij het verbinden met nieuwe en oude partners
💜 Dieper vertrouwen in jezelf
❧ Voor wie is dit?
❤️ Deze workshop is met name bedoeld voor queer/LGBTQIA+-mensen die onder de noemer queerness vallen. We verwelkomen alle geslachten, leeftijden, lichamen en oriëntaties. Sinsia identificeert zich als queer en heeft uitgebreide ervaring in het werken met queer-mensen.
🧡 Herstellende people pleasers: voel je je vastgelopen in het moeten zeggen van ja tegen mensen? Of in het meegaan in dingen die niet helemaal zijn zoals je zou willen?
💛 Alle ervaringsniveaus: we nodigen iedereen uit om met een beginnersgeest te komen: wat kun je leren over jezelf en je patronen?
❧ Praktische zaken
📅 Wanneer: 8 september, 10.00-18.00 uur
🗺️ Waar: Amsterdam Noord (adres bij registratie)
💵 Prijs: € 130. Voor mensen met een laag inkomen zijn tickets verkrijgbaar voor € 95

Geweest: Sept 6: Vragen om wat je wilt - Consent met Sinsia at Queer Gym Rotterdam

Avondworkshop 🙂
